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Head of (gn) Structuring & Origination
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  • Das Angebot
  • Green Energy Markets
    Head of (gn) Structuring & Origination
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    LichtBlick is looking for you. Starting immediately. In part-time or full-time and permanent. For impactful energy in the field of Green Energy Markets.

    Your Job:

    Your Skills:

    LichtBlick BüroLichtBlick Büro


    Our Application Process & Your Contact

    Our application process is transparent and open. We review applications carefully and provide feedback quickly. You’ll meet your contacts from recruitment and the specialist department remotely at first, where we’ll introduce our culture and answer your questions. Your second interview will be in person at our office, where you can experience our environment and get to know future colleagues.

    Deine Ansprechpartnerin

    Nora Böckermann

    Recruitment Partnerin - Ich freue mich auf deine Bewerbung.

    Mach Karriere und gutes Klima.

    Wachse mit LichtBlick und senke gleichzeitig die CO₂-Bilanz.

    Jetzt bewerben